Fall 2017 Capital Projects Update

As part of the Fall 2017 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment Council received an update on Edmonton’s significant capital projects. This report presents the September 30, 2017, financial results for capital and provides updates on significant capital projects for tax-supported, enterprise and utility operations including results and projections against the approved 2015 to 2018 Capital Budget. The Capital Financial Update is presented to City Council quarterly beginning with the second quarter of each year. The total approved capital budget, including carry forward from the 2012 to 2014 Capital Budget and approved capital expenditures beyond 2018, funds $8,895.4 million of expenditures. This is composed of $7,692.2 million for tax-supported, $833.2 million for enterprise operations, and $370 million for utility operations. Effective September 1, 2017, drainage operations were transferred from the City of Edmonton to EPCOR Utilities Inc. as a result, transferred drainage profiles totalling $664.0M of the total approved capital budget and are no longer included in this report.

As we can see the September 2017 Capital Financial Update includes 96 capital profiles, of which:

  • 73 have been categorized as on or ahead of schedule,

  • 19 have a Project Schedule Variance % and/or a Project Cost Variance over 10%.

  • 4 having a Project Schedule Variance % and/or a Project Cost Variance up to 10%


2018 Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment


The New Ways We Move