Jasper Place Leisure Centre - Update

As you know, this project is behind schedule. The major delay was the level of asbestos that was in the building. After addressing that, they were looking to open this fall but there was a flood in late July that caused another delay. While they were hoping they could make up the time, the last issue was the discovery of mold during the commissioning of the mechanical lines, which means the opening date has now been pushed into the new year. For this project, the opening date is now confirmed for Family Day which is February 17th, 2020.

One concern that has been raised is that the Terwillegar pool was supposed to be closing in January for refurbishment. That will not be occurring now because we are already short of pools in the west end and closing that location would have made it very challenging to access a pool. Registration for programs like swimming lessons will be starting in January so stay tuned for more details on that.Obviously this is quite frustrating since it's the only City-run pool for those in the west end. As a quick reminder, there is an agreement between the Jamie Platz YMCA and the City of Edmonton so that pass holders for 

Jasper Place Leisure Centre  

have been able to access the aquatics program at the YMCA at no additional charge.I wrote about

Project Management

in the City of Edmonton so that everyone can be aware of the changes that have been made to project management since our 2015-2018 Capital Budget. While we still finished the last four year budget with over 80% of our capital projects on or ahead of schedule and over 95% of our capital projects on or under budget, not everyone is aware of the numerous changes that have been made to prevent issues like this from arising in our 2019-2022 Capital Budget.


2020 Property Tax Assessment Notices


Budget 2020 - Highlights and Conclusion