Local Organizations in Operation during COVID-19

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Our running list of organizations in operation during this time has been replaced with REACH Edmonton's extensive COVID-19 Community Database. If you are looking for organizations and supports during this time please refer to their database. (https://reachedmonton.ca/covid-19-community-response/) Hello everyone, I understand that you all must be overwhelmed with the amount of news you are receiving at this time. The word unprecedented has been tossed around heavily and it's no secret we are living in uncertain times. Below I would like to bring to light a consolidated list of non-profit organizations that are still operating during this time amid the COVID19 pandemic, many of which working with our most vulnerable populations, seniors, newcomers and our new temporary shelter at the Edmonton EXPO Centre.I understand that not everyone is in a position where they are able to donate. Even moral support can greatly help the individuals working and volunteering long hours to help keep our community safe and healthy. A simple show of support through an email, tweet, Instagram comment or Facebook message can go a long way. Disclaimer: The linked list via Google Docs is constantly being updated by our Ward 1 team as the needs of social agencies change on a daily basis. The date of when the document was last updated will be disclosed on the document itself. The best way to stay informed on the needs of specific organizations is to visit their websites or social media via their disclosed links. If you organization is missing from this list please message our team and we will be sure to add it.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zlGDdLHhVuPKzN8dMBEnbcXcygvLVMYapiVQN8fHqMU/edit?usp=sharing  Should you not have access to Google Docs, we have posted the list of needs below:

  • For the safety of their volunteers and staff, nonprofits are most likely not accepting in-kind donations and are instead accepting financial donations. In-kind donations should be sanitized and wiped down before being donated

211 (www.ab.211.ca)

  • An incredibly extensive database of resources. Can either head to www.ab.211.ca or text 2-1-1 with a live chat you can access as well. They have a team working seven days a week keeping the 211 Community Resource Database up to date.

Action for Healthy Communities (a4hc.ca)

  • In Operation: Reduced hours, all group activities and programs canceled
  • Effective Monday, March 30, 2020, AHC has opened up a ‘hotline’ number in addition to its mainline
  • 1-833-738-7727 or through the main office line– (780) 944-4687; or email: communications@a4hc.ca or program-specific social media group accounts (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.)
  • Volunteers needed

Aging with Pride Phone Program for 2SLGBTQ+ Seniors (https://pridecentreofedmonton.ca/seniors-programs/)

  • 2SLGBTQ+ Seniors can access remote telephone programming through Aging with Pride by Pride Centre of Edmonton. Activities include Book Club, Seniors Beats and Movie Club. While there is no set age limit participants should identify as older adults. All genders, sexualities and abilities are welcome.
  • To participate call 1-855-703-8985 and enter the meeting ID 293.631.2402
  • For more information, email seniors@pridecentreofedmonton.ca 

Bissell Centre (bissellcentre.org)

  • In Operation: All volunteer activities and group programming have been suspended, along with the closing of our licensed daycare centre.
  • Ways to help: Accepting financial donations, no in-kind donations.Urgent needs:
    • Protective gear
    • Meals and lunches
    • Formula and diapers
    • Disinfectant supplies 
    • Recovery Funds

Boyle Street (boylestreet.org)

  • In Operation: Limited the number of people to come into the centre at one time to 50 people. Every client and staff member is screened before coming into the building. Sending individuals to Expo Centre when shelter is at capacity
  • Ways to help: Accepting financial donations, no in-kind donations. Fundraising specifically for clothing

Brain Care Centre (https://www.braincarecentre.com/)

  • Continue to provide services for clients by phone or video. Programs and services to adults with an acquired brain injury

Canadian Mental Health Association (edmonton.cmha.ca)

  • In Operation: Offering telephone support and crisis line
  • Ways to help: Not specified

Canadian Native Friendship Centre (http://www.cnfc.ca/)

  • Canadian Native Friendship Centre is not open but offers many of their programs and services and supports remotely.

CASA Foundation (casaservices.org)

  • In Operation: Individual Appointments: Appointments will be done over the phone whenever possible to increase social distancing. In-person appointments will be available as needed. Group treatment is currently on hold. Families can access support over the phone; in-person support will be available as needed. Residential and day treatment programs are currently closed to students. Program staff will be in regular phone contact with families enrolled in these programs; in-person support will be available as needed
  • Ways to help: Not specified

CHEW Project YEG (www.facebook.com/chewprojectyeg/)

  • Providing basic services for at-risk LGBTQ2S+ youth: provide basic needs, harm reduction supplies, counseling, cultural support, access to healthcare and housing resources
  • GoFundMe: https://ca.gofundme.com/f/outpost-lgbtq2s-youth-support-centre
  • Financial donations
  • Grocery store gift cards
  • Non-perishable food items 
  • Dollar store gift cards
  • Clothing (gently used clothing and shoes)
  • Food (noodle cups/bowls, individually packaged cereals, fruit cups, chips, frozen meal), 
  • Gently used electronics like earbuds/headphones, video games and video game systems, 
  • Toiletries like deodorants, shampoo/conditioner, body wash, makeup wipes, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.

Compassion House Foundation (compassionhouse.org)

  • Needed items: Paper products (toilet paper, kleenex), Household cleaning products (must be anti-bacterial, disinfectant wipes, bleach, all-purpose cleaner, rubbing alcohol, vinegar, baking soda), Hand Soap, Food for Family Pantry (must be individually wrapped, soup, cracker packets, granola bars, oatmeal packets, tea bags, sugar packets, fruit cups, pudding cups)

Cornerstone Counselling (www.cornerstonecounselling.com)

  • Continue to provide counselling services for clients by phone or video. We will, however, make exceptions for those clients who are in a fragile state, are feeling suicidal, or cannot find a safe place to have online or telephone counselling. If people require to see a counsellor in person, they can email our office at office@cornerstonecounselling.com or call us at 780-482-6215. We have a sliding scale model to offer affordable counselling, but we are also offering free 20-minute phone sessions (the next session is on April 8th from 1-4:00 p.m.).
  • Accepting financial donations. It would also be helpful for people to share our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn posts. 

Covenant Health (https://www.covenanthealth.ca/)

  • Covenant Foundation team is working remotely to ensure uninterrupted support to the patients, residents, families and health care providers we partner within communities across the province; including Covenant Health's Misericordia Community Hospital, Grey Nuns Community Hospital, Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre, St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital, Youville Home and Covenant Care's Saint-Thomas Health Centre in Edmonton.
  • Please connect with our team using the main office line at 780-342-8126. The contact numbers and emails for each of our team members can also be found in the Contact Us link at www.covenantfoundation.ca
  • Accepting Financial Donations: Covenant Foundation is working with the health care teams at Covenant family hospitals and continuing care facilities to help deliver the resources they need to address the unprecedented challenges of this public health emergency.  If you are able to and would like to make a donation, please make a gift online at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/covenantfoundation/campaign/covenant-strong-supporting-the-immediate-needs-of-covenant-hospitals-and-continuing-care-facilities/ or give us a call at 780-342-8126.

Drive Happiness (drivehappiness.ca)

  • Prioritizing medical appointments
  • Ways to help: Not specified

Edmonton Food Bank (edmontonsfoodbank.com)

  • Accepting non-perishable food items and financial donations

Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre (www.easc.ca)

  • In Operation
  • Ways to help: Not specified

Edmonton Community Legal Centre (eclc.ca)

  • In Operation: Unable to take walk-ins or in-person appointments but accessible over telephone (780-702-1725) and online.

Edmonton Social Planning Council (https://edmontonsocialplanning.ca/)

  • Spreading evidence-based information and community support resources to ensure that our community members are aware of the available services and support for them, and also sharing widely our partner organizations' information and services to make sure that vulnerable community members are able to receive necessities to get through this pandemic

Edmonton Sport Council (https://www.edmontonsport.com/)

E4C (e4calberta.org)

  • Accepting financial donations
  • Needed items include masks, goggles, and gowns

Elizabeth Fry Society (efryedmonton.ab.ca)

  • In Operation: Available only by telephone or email
  • Ways to help: Not specified

The Family Centre (familycentre.org)

  • In Operation: Telephone support and Facetime or WhatsApp. Mental health therapist via the live chat on website, by emailing therapy-leads@familycentre.org, or calling 780.900.6129. Will continue to provide language translation and interpretation services
  • Ways to help: Not specified

Fresh Routes (https://freshroutes.ca/)

  • In operation: Mobile grocery store for those who need fresh affordable food
  • In need of volunteers

Homeward Trust (homewardtrust.ca)

  • In operation: reduced office hours and staffing
  • Ways to help: financial donations

Hope Mission (hopemission.com)

  • In operation
  • Ways to help: Not specified

iHuman Youth Society (ihumanyouthsociety.org)

  • In operation: Essential services only. Shower, laundry, limited food, counseling, nurses and limited outreach services
  • Ways to help: Not specified

Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women (iaaw.ca)

  • In operation, ways to help not specified

Jasper Place Wellness Centre (jpwc.ca)

  • In Operation: Medical clinic, winter warming, and drop-off still in operation
  • Needed items: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Pads, Tampons, Body wash, Shampoo and conditioner, Body lotion, Hand sanitizer, Soap, Canned fruits and veggies, Canned beans, soup and meat, Cereal and peanut butter, (For Seniors) nutritional shakes, nutritional drinks, and adult hygiene products, Whole grain pasta and rice

John Howard Society (johnhoward.ca)

  • In operation, ways to help not specified

Kids Kottage (kidskottage.org)

  • In operation: crisis line open, not accepting new admissions
  • Ways to help: accepting financial donations, no in-kind donations

The Landing (facebook.com/thelandingualberta/)

  • In Operation: Online drop-in peer support and hangout: Monday-Thursday 12PM-3PM through Zoom
  • Ways to help not specified

Meals on Wheels (mealsonwheelsedmonton.org)

  • In operation
  • In need of volunteers, non-perishable food items, toilet paper, and financial donations

Momentum Walk-In Counselling (https://www.momentumcounselling.org/)

  • Offering virtual counselling on a sliding scale starting at $25 to $200 based on what people can afford.
  • Can book at t.co/ZHj9ok8LyM

Money Mentors (www.moneymentors.ca)

  • In Operation: Debt help, credit counselling and money coaching. Counsellors on hand to support and lead individuals back to financial stability. 
  • Free financial education and online tools, resources and money tips to help personal financial growth.
  • Open Mon - Thurs: 8 am -  8 pm, Fri & Sat: 9 am - 5 pm

The Mustard Seed (theseed.ca)

  • In operation, accepting financial donations and the following in-kind donations: Gown (FDA) Hazmat Suit Sealing Strip, Non-contact thermometers, Surgical Masks (FDA), Masks (FDA and NIOSH), Masks (Face Shield), Hand Sanitizer, Cleaning Supplies, Twin blankets

Operation Friendship Seniors Society (ofss.org)

  • In operation: Drop-in centre closed, Main Office open
  • Needed items: Disposable cutlery, Bread donations, Financial donations

Pan Disability Connection (pdconnection.org)

  • In operation, ways to help not specified

Pilgrims Hospice (https://pilgrimshospice.com/pilgrims-hospice-society-covid-19-update/)

  • Online grief support
  • Available over telephone or video chat
  • Accepting financial donations

Pride Centre (pridecentreofedmonton.ca)

  • In operation: Building and in-person programs closed, QUEER-OUT Meetings held over Discord 
  • Ways to help not specified

REACH (reachedmonton.ca)

  • In operation, ways to help not specified

Ronald MacDonald House (rmhcalberta.org)

  • In operation
  • Needed items: Financial donations, Commercially prepared meals by local restaurants, Grocery store gift cards

SACE (sace.ca)

  • In operation: Building Closed SACE support line is still operating from 9AM to 9PM at 7804234121. Can also chat with on website at sace.ca or call/text Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence at 1.866.403.8000
  • Ways to help not specified

Seniors' Centre Without Walls (http://www.edmontonsouthsidepcn.ca/classes-health-resources/seniors-centre-without-walls/)

  • No-charge, interactive telephone-based social and health programming for seniors facilitated by Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network. Open to seniors aged 55+ living anywhere in Alberta with our toll-free line with no referral necessary. 
  • Register by calling 780.395.2626

Shades of Colour YEG (facebook.com/shadesofcolour.yeg/)

  • In operation: Provides supplies for disabled and immunocompromised people of colour:
  • Needed items: (Food) Canned beef ravioli, canned meat chili, granola bars, cookies. (Sanitation) Vinyl gloves, surface cleaner, bar hand soap, liquid hand soap, laundry detergent. (Personal) Shampoo and conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental kits with floss, sanitary pads, panty liners, tampons, moisturizer, kleenex, toilet paper

Terra Centre (terracentre.ca)

  • In operation: Office closed but doing deliveries to families
  • Ways to help not specified

United Way (myunitedway.ca)

  • In operation
  • Accepting financial donations

WECAN Food Baskets (http://wecanfood.com/)

  • In Operation: Provides food security by giving families and individuals the opportunity to purchase nutritious food at an affordable price.
  • Looking for volunteers

WIN House Shelter (winhouse.org)

  • In operation: help line is open 24/7 (780.479.0058)
  • Accepting financial donations

YESS (yess.org)

  • In operation 
  • Accepting financial donations

YMCA (northernalberta.ymca.ca)

  • In Edmonton, we are still operating our YMCA Melcor Village housing complex as well as Housing First programs for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing chronic homelessness. We're also still delivering critical youth intervention programs: Youth Transitions, Youth Diversion, Alternative Suspension, Bridging the Gap and Y-CAN. And our Y Digital Literacy staff are producing great content during a time when so many of our community members are at home and need digital literacy to connect to others.
  • The YMCA is always accepting financial donations to support thriving kids, healthy individuals and families, strong communities, and global connections. Financial donations will support our Y community by sending children and youth to camp, assist families with childminding, and allow the YMCA to address developing community needs.

YWCA (https://www.ywcaofedmonton.org/covid-19-updates/)

  • In operation: Those in need of affordable mental health support are accessing psychologists via telephone and video sessions. Youth programs are being delivered directly into girls’ homes through laptops and phones. People needing sexual health support can speak directly to an expert through YWCA webpage. Exploring the possibility of converting outdoor education centre into a temporary shelter for rural Albertans who need to isolate or flee domestic violence. Turning social media feeds into reliable channels of information around mental health, child-rearing, and hope during this difficult time.
  • YWCA Edmonton is gratefully accepting financial donations through our webpage in support of our response efforts, and towards sustaining the community services and programs we offer. Support makes a vital difference in the lives of women and children in crisis. Every gift, big or small, is appreciated and will be put to good use at this critical time.

Zebra Child Protection Centre (zebracentre.ca)

  • In operation: reduced hours
  • Accepting financial donations

Land Use for a Future Edmonton - City Plan Blog Series Part 4


March 24th 2020 - Virtual Community Conversation