New position with AUMA

The City of Edmonton is a member of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association , which provides leadership in advocating local government interests to the Provincial and Federal Governments as well as key stakeholders. I’ve been fortunate enough to attend many conferences and events hosted by AUMA and have seen first hand the important work they do. As part of the City’s membership, Council appoints Councillors to sit on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. I am pleased to announce that I will be appointed to both positions at the AUMA annual general meeting held during the upcoming convention here in Edmonton September 25th to 27th.When I learned that the position would be open, I was excited to put my name forward to serve. The AUMA and the City of Edmonton has an important relationship with a shared interest in advancing policy issues with the Government of Alberta and Canada, as well as other municipal associations such as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. This also includes working with other municipalities throughout Alberta which provide opportunities to collaborate and share learnings which strengthen not only Edmonton but our province as a whole.

I should also mention that there may be potential scheduling conflicts between Edmonton City Council and Committee meetings and the AUMA Board of Directors meetings. As I would have the ability to call into City Council/Committee meetings, I will do my best to continue to keep a perfect attendance record but there is a possibility I will miss the occasional vote. It is important to note that Edmonton City Council is still my priority so I expect my attendance will be kept as close to perfect as possible. I am excited to get started and will be posting about some of this work throughout my two-year term. As always, I look forward to your feedback and welcome any questions or concerns you may have.


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