Tree Removal Bylaw

During our summer recess I have been door-knocking and receiving many questions with regards to the July 12th City Council discussion on the possible creation of a bylaw that would allow for municipalities to protect mature trees. I’d like to clarify a few things as some residents were under the impression that this would mean all property owners would be required to get approval before cutting down any tree. This is not the case at all and was not suggested by any member of Council who supported looking into a possible bylaw. This amendment is meant to address concerns relating to infill development in mature neighbourhoods where in the past we’ve seen developers clear-cut an entire lot in order to develop quicker/easier. 

This amendment is meant to address concerns relating to infill development in mature neighbourhoods....

As part of the City’s submission on Bill 21 to modernize the Municipal Government Act (MGA), Council is seeking an amendment that would give municipalities the power to pass bylaws that allow for the protection of mature trees on private property. Here is the section of the July 12th City Council meeting that addresses this topic:

Update on Council Motions

• Administration is currently in conversation with the Government in respect to the June 13/14 Council Motion,  February 19, 2016 Executive Committee and November 10, 2015 Executive Committee Motions:

  • Citizens regularly express concern that private property owners have an unfettered right to cut down mature trees on their own property. Many jurisdictions (e.g. BC and Ontario) empower local government to create bylaws requiring some sort of approval before cutting down such trees.

  • Amendments to the Municipal Government Act proposed in Bill 21 do not provide any additional powers for municipalities to protect mature trees.

  • In response to the previous Executive Committee motions on protection of mature trees, Administration has drafted the following potential amendment. As this is a new amendment, not previously approved or specifically requested by Council, it is included here for Council consideration  

  • Add a subsection to s. 8 of the Municipal Government Act stating that municipalities have the power to pass bylaws for the protection of trees on private property.

  • Municipalities could then craft bylaws in consultation with stakeholder groups that would identify the kinds of trees that would need to be protected (e.g. only those of a certain size), the process for getting approval to cut them and the rules for granting or refusing such an application.

I’ve had numerous concerns throughout the years raised by individual residents, community leagues and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues about this issue.  Trees not only add character to a neighbourhood, they also provide important benefits such as improved property value, privacy, and ecological/environmental sustainability. While we are a long way from requiring permits to clear-cut all trees for lot development, it is something we are exploring as a municipality while we are reviewing the MGA with the Provincial Government.  


What I Did On My Summer Vacation


Municipal Campaign Finance Reform