Valley Line LRT funding update

As you may have heard, the Federal government recently announced they will be contributing $143.9 million towards Edmonton’s transit projects.  This is great news for Edmonton as part of the funding will be spent on LRT expansion, with priority set for the Valley Line Stage 2 West (Downtown to Lewis Farms). These funds, along with Provincial funding announced last week, allow us to take the next steps in the planning phase.  While some of the design work has started, the next 6-24 months will be dedicated to completing this work so that LRT construction can begin as soon as funding is available from all three orders of government. Community engagement and consultation is a critical part of this process. I have attended almost every LRT engagement meeting both before and during my time on Council and am eager to see this project move forward.  There is still analysis to do around possible grade separation at some major intersections in the west end. Council will be provided a report on additional grade separation opportunities in advance of construction. As things move forward, I will be updating my website with information on how you can get involved in this process. Click here to learn more about the Valley Line project and subscribe for email updates.  Also check out for details on the current stage of the Valley Line south to Millwoods.

Co-authored by Kasey Machin and Andrew Knack


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